Buenos Aires Laser

Laser Shows for business events:

These events achieve to call the audience’s attention due to the fact that they are surrounded by the different colours of the show’s design.

Also, every presentation is customized for each customer: this means that a great visual impact is given to what is wished to remark.

Remember that, with your production team, you can come to our exclusive showroom and witness our different proposals of products and services.

What does a Laser Show consist of?

A Laser Show is a visual communication tool of high impact, since the shows can be synchronized with a sound band chosen by the client and thus, telling through this show what is aimed to get across: new product’s virtues, a personal or institutional history, or just to impact on the audience with a Beam Laser Show.

Our high definition projection systems allow the making of: animated graphic of logos, writing legends and creating animations. These images are simultaneously accompanied by a great diversity of aerial effects over the audience such us, plans, cones, roofs, multi beams, fans, beam sequences, tunnels, etc.

Most common applications from this type of shows:

  • Products’ launchings
  • Sport events
  • Music festivals
  • Publicity
  • Congresses and conventions
  • Corporate events
  • Concerts
  • Multitudinous events